You may hate essays, but it’s a part of the game for those who want to get their degree. If you’re engaged in conventional education, then you just can’t avoid writing essays. The good news is that essay writing isn’t that difficult. I can tell you, that if you dislike writing essays, then you just don’t know how to do it right and probably have some bad associations. It’s about time to bust some myths and teach you some easy essay writing skills.
- Don’t put it off
Putting off is natural if you’re afraid to do something, but it’s not getting you out of the problematic situation. On the contrary – it only makes it worse. Develop a habit to start early, even if you don’t want to. Just force yourself to start writing. It will become easier and easier with each subsequent try.
- Choose the topic that you like
If you like that topic you will be interested to work on it yourself. Otherwise, you won’t feel motivated to start working and even when you start, chances of writing a decent paper will below.
- Prepare an Essay Outline
Learn how to become a better essay writer and forget about the feeling of despair and fear of academic tasks! Everybody knows how a person can get stuck and feel that there is no idea to write down. A well-written outline can be extremely helpful in that case. It may sound incredible but even a simple outline can guide a writer and let him or her keep track of the writing and be efficient. If you want to become an essay writer, you should definitely know how to use an outline to navigate in your writing as it makes the whole process well-targeted and organized.
The outline of your essay should be concise and focused on the main ideas so that it would be easy for the writer to get back and do the revision of the written parts. From a perspective of efficiency, a writer good at composing outlines is also good at essay writing. Thus, it is better to start with an outline prepared in a coherent manner. Thus, you will not be distracted with any additional ideas and stick to the main points to sound professional in your writing. No extra ideas should be added later even if you feel that you want to change everything. You have a plan and you follow it to have a clear, coherent text. Having developed a concise outline for your essay, you can proceed to working on an introduction. It is high time to go ahead and use all the benefits of a well-written outline.
- Research your idea
Once you’re familiar with many angles and points of view on the subject that you’re researching, it will be easy for you to turn all this info into a paper. Having understood the opinions of other experts you can form your own opinion and express it freely in your essay.
- Don’t forget about the structure
The classic structure of the essay is the introduction (including thesis statement), the body of work (paragraphs) and conclusion.
- Ask for help if necessary
If it feels that you’ve tried everything, but still have a writing block, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your university probably has a writing center and if not, you can ask for help directly from your professor or tutor.
Not everyone knows how to become a better essay writer and it may be a challenge for some students to cope with academic writing tasks. Some of them even panic, as they do not know how to manage the pressure with the assignments. Nevertheless, there is no reason for being desperate and you can ask for advice from your professor. Another excellent solution is to contact a professional writing company and get the assistance you need from professional writers who know what to do. WeWriteOnline.com will help you escape the worries and troubles and be sure that there will be neither struggle nor anxiety. There are people who you can trust and with whom you can share your thoughts. Even experienced writers and students with some background in writing sometimes need advice and guidance.
- Work the way that suits you
Maybe you’re used to working in the evening, maybe in the morning or maybe during the day. There are also times when you don’t feel like working at all. In this case, just dedicate at least 10 minutes of your time to writing. Little by little, you’ll be able to get that writing spirit back. - Do proofreading and revision
There is hardly any stage of writing more boring than proofreading. There are several steps of writing an essay, and when it seems that everything is done and you are free, you still have a challenging task to double-check everything and spend hours to do the work that you believe is not essential. You have already done so much and now you have to revise and amend the content not to get deductions. There are a lot of students who neglect this stage and skip the stage of proofreading. It is a common mistake, but we recommend you to pay attention to checking the text several times as your reputation of a writer should be solid.
If you read your essay one more time, you will definitely find at least several typos. You aim at having the level of pro essay writing, so you have to keep in mind the golden rule of reading the content several times. As a result, you will be able to avoid mistakes and flaws that can spoil the impression you want to produce.It is actually not that complex to spare half an hour and make sure the grade for an essay is excellent. Every time you have to submit your assignment, you have to remember an essential tip we give you. Your time is precious, but effective learning is always time-consuming. Your writing needs careful attention and you do understand that your first experience cannot be perfect. Practice more and it will make your writing perfect. We wish you patience, diligence, and good luck on your way to academic success and excellence as a writer!
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8 Ways to Improve Your Text
Whether you are a student, social media specialist, or journalist you have one thing in common – writing texts. They may be of different length, writing level and style but all of them are usually required to be written professionally. That is something that doesn't always happen due to many reasons: sometimes writers don't know the subject very well, they may be in a hurry to send the written text before the deadline expires or sometimes they are simply tired. But no reader usually cares about either of these factors. All readers care about is a good and meaningful text. Therefore, whatever one is working on (a blog entry, magazine article or essay) it should be engaging and error-free. But what often happens is writers often are not happy with what they produced. And that is exactly why we decided to share some insightful tips on how to make a text interesting or even improve what already has been written.
What Can You Do If You Don't Like It?
- Do research. If you haven't done it beforehand you can still do it. Yeah, next time you might want to think about it in advance but if you really want to make a text interesting you have to know what you are writing about.
- Keep a reader in your mind. Remember that you are writing it not for yourself but for those who are going to read your writing. That means you have to try and understand what a reader would like to see in your text. That's how professionals usually write good texts – they keep readers in their minds at all times. In other words, that's an answer to the question about how to make a text interesting.
- Structure. If you have a great idea for your text and the content of your article is truly engaging that can still mean nothing if you don't structure your text to blocks of information. No one wants to read 2 page long texts with no headers and subheaders. By giving a clear structure to your text you will significantly improve readability of your writing.
- Titles, headers, and subheaders. If there is something you have to spend time on it should be how you develop headers. Although they take up not so much space they often take so much of initial attention and interest that you cannot even imagine. If your text doesn't have captivating titles and headers then it is likely that very few people would want to even read it.
- Language. If one is writing a text in English that means that he/she can choose from a variety of sentence structures as well as literary devices. A text may appear boring because the writer was too repetitive. In order to avoid being repetitive when writing one has to develop language skills but there is no other way around it.
- First and last paragraphs. These matter a lot more that you used to think. More than that, if you have an introduction and conclusion parts right than it is very likely that the whole text will be logical and well-structured.
- Mistakes. You have to know that your automatic haven't made the mistakes you used to make. That happens even with experienced writers. You can write good content but mistakes can nullify all of the efforts.
It's Not Too Late until It's Published
As soon as you have your final draft and you didn't share it with anyone it is not too late to improve readability of what you have written as well as revise the general flow of the text. All you need is patience and time; the rest we believe you have. Be honest with yourself when you give your writing a final review. Admit it if you just don't like it. If you doubt you can give it to someone you trust for evaluation. But don't every lie to yourself; otherwise you will have a hard time in this business. If for some reason you don't like it, take it as it is and try to see what it is that makes it a bad text. With the help of the aforementioned recommendations, everybody will be able to write a good text for an article, blog, or dissertation.