A lot of people write diaries and keep a record of all the events that happen in their lives. In addition, many of us write different blogs as the social networking industry grows rapidly and such kind of activity becomes very popular. Besides, creating blog entries is very useful as it is an efficient way of improving writing skills. Such type of writing can be called an informal one. Surely, you can be more familiar with formal papers rather than informal ones. From time to time, all of us deal with formal pieces of writing such as newspapers, journals, some reports, academic works, etc. Any type of formal paper is written clearly and structured accordingly.
Informal Essay: Basics
This paper is also called a personal essay. It can be performed in the form of one’s reflections or thoughts. There are no strict formatting rules according to which an informal essay should be organized. When preparing this work, you are free to be as creative and imaginative as possible as a chief purpose of producing an informal paper is to provide readers with fantastic content. A key feature of this piece of writing is that the writer talks directly to the reader. Therefore, it creates a conversational and lively style. Still, an informal essay has to be well composed as well.
Though this kind of work is performed as a response to a particular message, it does not mean that one can easily write about the selected issue. Certainly, an informal essay differs from other types of papers as it is prepared in an informal style and its structure is not as rigid as that of other works. However, it is still should be written according to the outlined plan. Informal papers as well as other projects give readers information about the chosen topic. They can even have a persuasive character. The main difference is that informal works contain some elements of humor.
An informal paper as well as any other work helps readers gain knowledge about a particular issue. You just need to follow an informal writing style while presenting your point of view on the discussed matter. When producing such a work, you can also share your experience with readers. Furthermore, you can add some fiction features to your paper. Producing this kind of work helps professors assess students’ ability to express their thoughts about different subjects.
Informal Essay Format
Although it is an informal essay, you need to use formal language when writing it. However, you are free to use colloquialisms, idioms, abstract words, etc., if it is indicated by the guidelines. Note that it is very important to realize what the principal focus of the work is. Only in this case you will succeed in creating a top-notch essay. It cannot be stated that an informal essay has to be formatted in a certain specific style. Nonetheless, it also has some key peculiarities.
- Structure
It is known that a standard essay has five paragraphs. Its main structural components are an introduction, 3-paragraph body, and conclusion. However, if to talk about an informal essay, it does not have a defined structure or format. Additionally, there is no a fixed word count the paper should consist of. Furthermore, this kind of paper does not necessarily include a definite thesis statement. You can arrange the work the way you want.
- Style
To some extent, writing informal essays is easier than the formal ones. When telling your story or addressing readers, you can use such personal pronouns as “I,” “we,” and “you.” Additionally, this type of paper can contain shortenings, expressions and phrases you usually use in everyday life. Some students say that the best thing about an informal essay is that there are no complicated academic rules which you have to strictly adhere to during the writing process. Reading this type of work can be compared to the conversation with a close friend.
- Readers
In order to understand how to impress your audience, you need to know whom you are addressing. Certainly, an informal essay has a personal nature and there is no a stated purpose of writing. Such a work is rather created to arouse some positive feelings. Nevertheless, it is wrong to think that the writer has nothing in mind when he/she starts preparing this paper. In the majority of cases, writers discuss some of their ideas in informal essay. They may also retell the stories that may have happened to them. In this way, authors hope to surprise readers.
If you do not know which topic to select, take a look at the following list:
- What a successful marriage is.
- Cancer: the most difficult challenge the society has ever faced.
- Teenagers versus adults: how to enjoy your life.
- The happiness of maternity.
- Parents and children: who is right?
- How to become a perfect parent?
- School versus online education.
- How to get leadership qualities?
- Modern society is full of hidden pitfalls.

Structural Peculiarities of an Informal Essay
An informal essay can be sometimes called a narrative one as it is like a story. Therefore, its style is not like that of other academic papers. Its paragraphs are not lengthy and they remind the columns of a newspaper article. The tone of the paper is informal. The concluding section gives a general summary of the facts discussed in the work.
When you are going to write an informal essay, bear in mind the following points:
- Though the essay is informal, it still has to stick to quality standards.
- Do not forget to edit your work.
- Mind punctuation.
- You may use everyday word combinations, phrase, personal pronouns “you” and “I”, contractions, etc.
- Address the readers directly.
- Attract readers’ interest by writing in an easy-to-follow style. Present the subject in an attractive way.
- Involve readers into discussion.
- Use great examples, quotations, tables and other options that may interest readers. You may even tell jokes. In other words, use the approach that will make your essay supreme.
Below, there is a plan that will help you create a fantastic paper step by step:
- Select a subject.
- Make an outline and gather information.
- Write an introductory section and body paragraphs.
- Use colloquial words, informal expressions, jargons, etc.
- Produce a reasonable conclusion.
Every event or situation has two sides of the same coin. However, even contradictory issues can correlate with each other. Therefore, when writing an informal essay, you should present the subject in the way that will not leave any single reader cold, even if your topic seems uninteresting. Your task is to provide readers with relevant data about the discussed question. Nevertheless, be very attentive not to make the work sound too boring or too funny. Try hard to find the golden means.
Sample of Informal Essay
Effects of women working
Nobody can underestimate the role played by women in the society. Women hold an important role in the upbringing of all lives. Women provide both spiritual and emotional support to their children. They teach young ones on how to be self-sufficient in performing home duties. Women discipline their children and provide direction on how to do their homework and take care of their food and clothing (Bianchi, 2011). Though not all mothers bring their children up the same way, but most of them teach them the good things. Apart from taking care of children, most traditional women do most of the cleaning and cooking in the house though in some homes they share such duties with their husband and children (Melisa, 2009). Married women are also expected to provide emotional support to their lovely ones. Women give advice to their husbands on how to spend the money earned.
Basing on such, it can therefore be said that women hold an important role in the success of any family. However, modern women face the problem of providing some of the basic functions they were expected to provide traditionally. This has been made worse by the increase of the number of women who are employed. They therefore have limited time to take care of the family. This paper therefore seeks to address the effect of the increase of women working and its effect on family, personal and other people’s life.
The ever increasing ratio of working women has had an effect on the family life. Some of the effects have been of positive nature to the family as a whole while others have affected the family negatively. Most of the studies done have compared children of employed and non-employed mothers. The studies have mainly examined children within subgroups basing on their gender and social class. According to the study done by Santa Clara University (2009) on daughters of the employed and non-employed mothers, it was found out that daughters of employed mothers have higher achievements in academics. The daughters also achieve higher in their career and have increased occupational commitments. Another study done in poverty prone children found a higher cognitive score for children whose mothers are employed as compared to non-employed mothers (Santa Clara University, 2009). Children whose mothers are employed also had higher socio-emotional indices. Other studies done by Stronger Marriage Group (2008), established that children whose mothers are employed showed poor performance in school and also had a lower intelligent quotient scores. Children whose mothers were not working had a higher intelligent quotient. Besides, the study also established that daughters whose mothers are working appeared more independent in the way they relate with friends at school. Some studies have also showed that working class mothers spend little time with their children. This leads most of their children not being responsible (Work Family, 2009). Working class mothers also opt to hire house maids to take care of the young ones while working. Such cases sometimes make children fail to recognize the importance of their mothers.
The ever increasing levels of working class women have also had an impact on the personal life of the woman. Santa Clara University (2009) did a study and showed that working women have a tendency of perceiving themselves as independent women. They always think that since they have the cash to pay for their own bills and support themselves, they do not need a man in their lives. This has made most unmarried women who are working not to get married. Such findings are also same with the study done by Bianchi (2011). In the study, it was established that most ladies decide to get married in order to have somebody who can support them. They expect most support to be in the form of financial support. But since women are working, they do not see the need of a man in their life. The increase in the number of working class women has also been associated with an increase in divorce cases (Melisa, 2009). Most women feel that they have enough money. Women with money think they are stable in life. As a result, they will not expect their husbands to give direction on what to do if they are also contributing to the well being of the family. This has made most working class women to want divorce in case they feel that they are not satisfied in their marriages. It should also be noted that working class women have also become more responsible in their families. They are able to take care of monthly bills and even pay school fees for their children. They do this without relying solely on the husband. This in the long run has led to a happy marriage.
The increase in working class of women has had a positive effect on family. Unlike nonworking class women who normally sit at home and take care of children, working class women are able to provide the financial support needed in the family. Working women help their husbands in paying bills at home. They take care of monthly bills such as electricity and water bills (Melisa, 2009). This has helped to increase the unity in the families as both the husband and the wife are able to provide the financial needs for the family. This makes the working women feel that she is also contributing to the success of the family. This is a source of happiness to the family.
Working class women have also helped in changing other people’s life. The increase in the ratio of working class women in the society has helped in creating of more job opportunities (Bianchi, 2011). Since most of the women will be working, they opt to hire house helps who help in doing of the daily duties in the house. They help in cleaning of the house, washing and cooking among other things. House helps also look after children before they reach school going age. Some of the working class women take their children to day care centers hence creating employment for those providing such services.

Make Sure Your Informal Essay Is Perfect!
Before you submit your informal essay, you need to make sure it is absolutely flawless. To bring you a good grade, your essay should be absolutely free from any mechanical mistakes, as well as plagiarism. Besides, it should fully meet the instructions given by your teacher. As such, when you are done with writing your essay, you should spend enough time on its revising. Pay attention that the more time you dedicate to writing and revising your paper, the better result you will get. If you feel that you are not able to create a brilliant informal essay, do not waste your time and contact our writing service asking for informal essay writing help. Our company is known as a service that has been helping its customers achieve their desired academic goals. By cooperating with this writing platform and ordering informal essay help here, you will greatly improve your academic performance.
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We know that buying your paper online, you might be concerned about plagiarism because it is strictly punished in your educational institution. Here, at WeWriteOnline.com, we do not tolerate plagiarism because we know that it is a great crime in the world of academic writing. To ensure the uniqueness of the written paper, we scan it through the reliable plagiarism detection software and even provide our customers with the plagiarism reports upon their requests. As you can see, purchasing informal essay writing help at our writing platform, you have nothing to worry about because our terms and conditions are very fair and customer-centered.
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