A narrative essay topic must be meaningful and memorable; this is the only way for you to earn the highest points for your paper. Just a reminder, a narrative essay is that, in which you share a personal account of some real or fictional story. To a large extent, you are expected to become a writer. Your narrative should have an introduction, a culmination, and a resolution, or a conclusion. You should have a plot that fascinates the reader; otherwise, you will not have a single chance to win the minds of your readers.
This is why you need to know how to choose a narrative essay topic. Everything begins with a properly selected and well-developed essay topic. With the topic, you will know how to structure your essay, thus making it attractive and memorable. This essay will definitely impress your target audience.
Choosing a Narrative Essay Topic
When you have a good topic, everything else will go smoothly. While working on your paper, choose the most meaningful things to write about. You cannot make a strong impression on the reader if you do not feel anything about the things you describe.
Sometimes, you will need to write a narrative essay in a field where you do not consider yourself as a specialist. Even then, you can excel in this type of activity, if you simply look at other papers that were written and published online. As a simple recommendation, try to remember the most significant events from your childhood. What happened, and how did it influence your future development? Describe a case when you needed to make a hard decision. What about your hobbies? How did it happen that you became a football fan, a biker, a surfer, whatsoever? Anything will do if you feel strongly about it. Just try to be simple and honest when sharing your experiences with the reader.
A successful story is a truthful story. You are to tell your readers what really happened to you. People like various sorts of details from the lives of other people. They will love your narrative if you can uncover the hidden facets of your personality and understand how the events of the past can pave the way to the future.
Of course, the most troubling will always be the topic. If you have a hard time choosing a subject for your narrative essay, look at what other students have written. No, do not copy anything. Just take their ideas as an example and do your own job. You will almost certainly find something that inspires and help you write a brilliant paper.
Consider other factors as well. For example, if you want the audience to take their breath while reading your narrative essay, then be prepared to look and sound creative. Also, you should use plain language that targets the hearts and minds of your readers. You should be writing your story, keeping in mind the effect that it will have on your readers. Who will read your narrative? You must be clear about it. Now that you are ready, choose any of the essay topics below to help you in writing.
Great Ideas for Narrative Essay Topics
Personal experience
- An episode that you still remember because of embarrassment
- The most scaring episode in your life
- The most life-changing lesson you had
- The episode that has set a direction for your lifetime movement
- The episode that has changed your attitude to life and death
- The most successful story in your life
- The most unpleasant experience that you cannot forget
- Something that makes you shiver even years after it happened
- The most valuable episode with your family
- An episode that you wish was never erased from your memory.
Childhood Stories
- Do you remember any episode when you were hurt as a child?
- Discuss any experience from your childhood that influenced your growth.
- What about birthday parties? Did you have anything special on that day?
- What was your most sacred childhood dream?
- Describe a game you liked when a child – you certainly had one.
- Did you like socializing with your friends? Describe a positive and negative experience.
- Is there anything wish you could take from your childhood?
- What was the most functional item that you had as a child?
- What was the most pleasurable thing to do during your childhood?
- What was your favorite cartoon or fairytale?
- Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
- What was your most enjoyable school activity?
- What was the most hated subject when you were a student?
- Is there any person from your school you still communicate with?
- Can you tell that your teachers were also your mentors?
Relationship Building
- Describe your closest friend when you were a child. What happened to your friendship?
- Do you have a friend in your life that you desperately want to have forever?
- Describe a situation when your friendship was rejected by someone.
- Describe a situation when an awkward moment led to a relationship breakup.
- Describe the most unpleasant moment in your relations with parents.
Hobbies and Interests
- Describe your most loved hobby when you were a child.
- What is the song that you are ready to listen to 24 hours a day? Why?
- Can you relate yourself to a movie character?
- Do you see yourself as a TV host? Is there anyone you want to embody?
- If you had money, what movie would you make?
Narrative Essay Topic for High School Students
- My favorite time or season
- If I were President of the world
- If I had a billion
- The most awkward day in my life
- The most memorable day in my life
A Perfect Narrative Essay Topic for College Students
- What was the most important thing you have ever accomplished beyond getting to college? What exactly did you do, and how did you manage to do it?
- Is there any person you would want to be by your side?
- How would you describe yourself to a person you do not know?
- If you were a TV host, whom would you want to see in your show?
- What role did nightclubs play in your development as an adolescent or a young adult?
- What was the most challenging academic assignment that you have had while in college?
- What are the devices that define your everyday reality? Is there any item, without which you cannot imagine your life?
- Is there any family member, whom you have lost but will remember forever, for any reason?
- What roles do male and female members play in your family?
- Remember the most unusual experience you had with a stranger.
- What role do technologies play in your life?
- Do you have a diary? Why or why not?
- Remember when you learned that people could be deceptive?
- What was the most loved book in your life?
- Do you want to have a superpower? What is it like?
- Why do you think traveling can be affordable and/or expensive?
- Do you want to travel without anyone?
- Can you be good making pictures during your trips?
- Would you quit your job if you could travel?
- When does traveling become boring?
Social Media Topics
- Why you have decided to become a Facebook user
- Do you have any posts that were extremely popular?
- What was your most memorable or popular comment on Twitter?
- Is there something you wish you never posted online?
- Why you do or do not use Instagram
- How social media change your family life?
- How you would describe yourself to a stranger on Facebook
- Do you think that sharing pictures is the new normal?
- How often do you use social media?
- Is there anything that irritates you online?
Music Narrative Topics
- What is the best or the worst song you know?
- Describe your intimate karaoke experiences.
- Who is your favorite player/singer/band?
- Is there any melody in this world that lifts your spirits?
- Would you like to live the life of a pop star?
- Rap and hip-hop – which one do you choose, and why?
- How stars fail their fans.
- Who is the best songwriter in the world?
- What is the best song that you have on your playlist?
- Would you like to be a trend maker in music?
Gender Narrative Topics
- How female and male roles differ in the 21st century.
- Can you describe yourself as a feminist?
- Why catcalling is a gender problem?
- How gender distortions and biases impact your academic results in college.
- Do you think that happiness starts with a perfect body?
- Do you believe that parents treat their children differently?
Funny Topic Ideas for Narrative Essays
- How memes have changed the lives of students in colleges.
- How my sister/cousin/friend pranked my teacher/mother/friend
- Why the Internet is a cat’s space.
- Stand-up performance and their unbelievable popularity in the 2000s.
Now that I have good narrative essay writing topics, what do I do?
When you have found a perfect topic for your paper, it is time to start writing. You will need to review the instructions provided by your tutor. Remember that even the best paper will not earn you a good grade if you fail to comply with the paper requirements.
Valuable Tips and Narrative Essay Ideas
- Be detailed, but do not overload your paper with unnecessary information. Stick to the subject and avoid using unnecessary details.
- Do not lie and do not manipulate the facts. Your task is to explore and reveal your experiences to readers.
- Provide a logical, free-flowing, and properly organized narration. Do not forget about transition words.
- The conclusion is important. Make sure that you have one.
- Write an interesting paper. Your readers should like it. Most importantly, you yourself should like the process, as well as the result.
- Narrate your story from the first-person perspective.
- Check if all instructions provided by your tutor have been followed.
A narrative essay will be a part of your academic story in college. If you have difficulty, WeWriteOnline.com will help. We will find plenty of ideas to get you to your academic goals. Contact us now to learn more about our service!