Sometimes people are willing to blog, but they have no idea how to do it properly. The following list will help you manage this enjoyable task. An essential blogging advice include:
- Blog about something you know.
- Do not put a mask on yourself.
- Create an attractive design of your blog.
- Find sufficient time.
- Do not be afraid of following other blogs.
- Build up relations with other bloggers.
- Provide a free choice for the readers.
- Promote your blog.
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Since these blogging tips are too general, it is reasonable to explain their meaning.
- Cognizance
Once you have decided to blog, you should keep in mind its prime subject and follow it. Your posts have to be qualitative and show your passion for the idea. Furthermore, write what you think is right. - Individuality
The next blogging advice is to stay yourself. Do not hide your personality. You may even upload your photo and give some contact details to make people closer to you. - Blog Frame
Remember that people judge a book by its cover. Therefore, create such a blog that will draw much attention. You may choose specific images and particular writing style. However, do not overburden the blog by adding too much data. - Time
While blogging, you have to devote yourself to the occupation. Find enough time to respond to the messages or comments, get acquainted with other bloggers, and be active. Always answer your followers questions and never ignore them. - Experts in Blogs
Before starting posting, look for similar blogs that inspire you. Additionally, consult more experienced bloggers and find out their most successful practices. - Be Friendly
Have enough courage to post your articles in other communities. That will be assistive in establishing new relations and making your blog popular among other people. - Choice
You are aware of the existence of different social platforms. So, make it possible for the readers to access your blog from whenever they prefer. Put also links to your website. - Blog Promotion
Sadly, we spend too much time online and start to forget about face-to-face communication, but you can benefit from it. Connect with organizations with the same preferences and share there your business cards to make your blog renowned.
Blogging is a hobby that brings pleasure. Following these tips will help you reach success.
3 types of Blog Readers. How to Find an Approach to Each of Them
Many people start blogging today. More and more blogs are created every day as individuals try to express themselves as well as business managers and marketing specialists seek to expand their online presence to promote their products/services. Nevertheless, most of the newly created blogs are deserted by their owners within first two weeks due to the fact that they don’t know to engage the target audience. There are some blogging rules people have to know of prior to making any attempts to find a reader. This is no easy thing as opposed to what many believe. There are many seminars and training being organized in order to help people understand how to become successful in this specific field. Most tips for blogging that could be found online are usually very generic which means they provide only basic guidance on how to get started. It is important to know this kind of information. We, however, decided to share some insights about people that read blogs and how you can tailor your content based upon this information.
Blog Reader Types
There are different personalities, so many of them that one with the task to list them all will have a really hard time doing that. But there are much fewer blog reader types because not all people read blogs. We are pretty much sure that there are even some who don’t even know what this word means. More than that, you will be surprised how big the number of such people could be. But we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of blogs; there are still a lot of people who actually read them in attempts to find interesting information. The question is do we know them? Who are those people? Why and how do they read blogs? The answers to these questions are to define one’s strategy in making the blog a successful start-up. Knowing the target audience is one of the keys in social media marketing (in fact, we could say in any kind of marketing really) and we are here to help you cope with this task. Here are main types of blog readers:
- First Paragraph Fireball
There are people who will likely quit reading your new blog entry after the first paragraph. There are even some who will do so after skimming through the first sentence. An engaging introductory paragraph may change their mind making them actually skim through your article from the beginning to the end but there is no guarantee. This type of blog readers is interested in visual content mostly – they click on the link to check the picture and understand what the article is all about. These people have many many blogs in the Google Reader but it is because they actually read them. - Skimmer
Now with the skimmer type of blog reader, you have way more chances that your article will get read. Well, not read but rather skimmed through. For this category of readers, it is important that the article would have a clear structure they can follow because what they do is quickly go through the main points of the blog entry. They never attempt to read all of it let alone to understand the weight of each word you have written. These people are often in a hurry so they won’t stay long on your page. We would dare to say that most of blog readers fall under this category. The reason why they don’t read every word is obvious – we live in a fast-paced world where we have to do so much having so little time. There are tons of useful information online and if you can skim a text quickly and get the idea of what it is about (saving a few minutes) then it is definitely your advantage today. For example, if one reads an article about tips for blogging or let’s say blogging rules, he/she could skim through the first topic sentences of each paragraph to get a general idea. That’s what skimmers would do.
- Diligent Reader
There are people who would attempt to read every single word of your blog entry (unless your text is too boring). They will try to understand every statement of yours and process it with the help of their background knowledge. Diligent readers are like a sponge –they absorb everything. Very often an article rapidly closed by a first paragraph fireball or even a skimmer would be a real goldmine for this type of readers. They like details as well as lengthy explanations of the issues in blog entries. Bloggers love this kind of people because they are the most active readers who would often leave a comment under the article. But there are very few of this type of readers today.
Different Readers – Different Approach
Now think about your target audience. Imagine what type of readers they will likely be and develop your own blogging rules in order to be successful. The way you write should be based on the preferences of your audience, not your own preferences because you are not writing for yourself. When you decided who your readers are and how they read your blog, you can easily tailor your content and layout in order to land more readers on your pages. There are no universal tips for blogging (well, there are some but they are too generic to get you to a true success). You need to find your own way to those you are writing your articles for.
For example, for the first paragraph fireballs you may want to use eye-catching pictures and clean format. The thing is that structure and format in this case play a great role – it is important for them so that the article would look good. For the skimmers, make sure you have a clear separation between blocks of information. In other words, make your articles scannable. Lastly, for the diligent readers, focus on quality of your content double-checking spelling, grammar and punctuation of every sentence. These tips for blogging can make a real difference as you attempt to achieve and even exceed your blogging goals.