Category: Essays

An Astronaut on a Space-Walk

The current modern spacesuits have allowed people to facilitate space explorations and existence in the space outside spacecraft. They are specifically designed to ensure that an astronaut is safe and enjoys the right temperature, pressure, and receives oxygen as well as water. The occupant of the spacesuit is exposed to various sources of heat.


Conflict Assessment – Syria Conflict

The current conflict in Syria has evolved from a small uprising against the authoritarian regime into a full-scale war that is characterized by social and state collapse, severe military actions, international armed conflicts, and terrorist insurgency. Nowadays, Syrian population experience direct and indirect violence, large-scale displacement, sectarianism, radicalism, territorial fragmentation, and the collapse of critical […]


Distance Education and Traditional Education

The modern world is developing very fast in terms of the implementation of new technologies. Every technological advancement in the field of the Internet and communication creates new possibilities for people. One of such possibilities is distance learning. Distance learning can be considered one of the most discussed issues among education professionals. The majority of […]


International Business Application

1. Do you have any international experience (living or working outside the U.S)? I moved from the U.S. to Germany 6 years ago. In the USA I studied the English language and literature, but I wanted to broaden my cultural and professional outlook. That is why I left for Germany. To get acquainted with the […]


Poem Essay Example: The World of a Dream

Dreams often reflect human sufferings and worries that exist inside the sub-consciousness connecting the world of reality and imagination with an invisible red thread. In the poem My Cockroach Lover by Martin Espada, the author represents some personal emotions and feelings that emerge due to unexpected appearance of a giant roach that whispers about love […]


Zika Virus and Malaria

1. This year (2016) the health concern is the Zika virus and its impact on human health. Like malaria, Zika is transmitted by mosquito bites. Compare and contrast Zika with malaria, in terms of its threat, biology, and prospects for effective mitigation. The Zika virus has existed for hundreds of years. However, recently, it draws […]



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