Every business aims to make a profit while treating customers in the best way possible. However, many enterprises end up in regrets for not reaching such goals and losing the clientele due to ineffective management. It is worth considering that for a business to make tangible benefits out of its undertakings, quality leadership in place to oversee the interests and demands of the workers is a crucial element. The fact about businesses is that though workers are the grounds on which excellence thrives and any diversion from the regular production or service provision translates into losses, it takes an exceptional leader with a quality leadership mindset to break the odds and act accordingly to direct the employees’ efforts to high productivity.
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I remember that time when I was employed in a local firm as a casual worker right after completing my degree in human resources. I must confess that despite the working conditions being pathetic, I did my best to bring value to the company though it operated to make ends meet. The supervisors were very harsh and at times would give commands that could not apply in the real sense. Another serious problem that I faced working in that position is that my daily wages had to pass through the hands of my supervisors who ended up taking a considerable amount citing that without them I would not have coped with my responsibilities. The situation continued until during my second month at work I convinced other workers to go to the human resource department and make an attempt to fight for our rights. Unfortunately, our pleas went unheard since the leadership within the human resource department also had the blemish of corruption, an element that eventually resulted in my resignation.
Though I am convinced that leadership goes hand in hand with certain demands and limitations for the workforce, I have never believed in taking advantage of employees who bring forth the prosperity of the business in various dimensions. For this reason, I wish to pursue MSc. Management and Strategy program because I feel that by doing so I will address the needs that staff face quietly in their workplaces. In fact, the ordeal that I met during my two-month period in the company mentioned above greatly prepared me to cherish and strive for the benefits the management and strategy program will have for my professional growth. It really hurt me to see workers, especially females, cry on their way home just because of the careless leadership whose intention was to fill their pockets with the money that they actually did not deserve. I believe that the MSc. program in management and strategy is rich enough to enlighten me and train on how to become a good demanding manager and simultaneously keep my workers’ interests in mind. Besides, since this program is a course that deals with a variety of subjects that are central to understanding the importance of instilling clear leadership in any given organization, it is my top priority to be enrolled. As said earlier, I dealt with a decaying human resource department in the organisation that had no idea about proper management approaches, mistreating and underpaying its workers, a move that saw them lose a lot in terms of clientele and finances. Therefore, without any fear of contradiction, my pursuing the Master’s degree in management and strategy will remain my focus as far as quality and transparent leadership are concerned.
My Bachelor’s diploma in Human Resource Management has significantly catalysed my intention to obtain the Master’s degree in management and strategy mainly dealing with strategic planning, leadership and consulting. I understand that what I have now is not enough and a long journey begins with a single step. However, the fact that I have already completed my undergraduate degree serves as one of the strides towards accomplishing the task ahead of me. I feel proud that my academics was tested in the workplace, though I do hope that a new employment with the fresh practical experience I will have on completing this course will enable me to make a positive difference to my future workplace. Human resource management is a unique course that appears as a revelation to the student, especially by acquitting one with the skills central to making a good leader. During my undergraduate study and the employment I had, I learned that workers are the key assets contributing to the prosperity of any business because they are the custodians of the organization tasked with attracting customers using their knowledge of various marketing and promotion strategies. On the same note, I came to realize that regardless of how strict management might appear, staff members have a right to raise questions and voice their concerns to the human resource department. However, my undergraduate study left some gaps unfilled in that it did not touch the practical side of dealing with issues in case the human resource department fails to meet the sensible demands of its employees. It is probably, for this reason, we, though expressed our dissatisfaction to the human resource department, did that in vain due to our lack of specific knowledge. Besides, my undergraduate course failed to unearth alternative ways to curb corruption in the entire organization. That directly paves the way for my academic interest is strategic planning, leadership, and consulting because according to what I have learned about the program, everything that I lacked as it was previously omitted will be covered in more detail.
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I have a goal to be a successful person in my career undertakings. I also feel that I was born to lead, not to follow and that by pursuing the desired program I will sharpen my skills to make a leader who can inspire and give guidance to people irrespective of their status in the company or society. Additionally, I feel this program will boost my potential and broaden my horizons though I am only in the beginning of my long journey to becoming a distinct leader led by high standards of ethics and empathy. I hope that one day I will reach the ambition and cope with the task I have cherished to accomplish for quite a while.
I am excellent in analytical and cognitive thinking as well as evaluating and solving problems effectively. Another point of my strength is that I can examine and read people, therefore, making it possible to tell if their moods and arguments are sincere or not. From that perspective, I believe that I am able to approach individuals despite their initial unwillingness to discuss their needs or issues with anyone at all. I consider myself as a good leader because of my nature to inspire and motivate people. Evidently, the sky is the limit. Thus, my dreams and aspirations are valid; therefore, the completion of the Master’s program will genuinely position me on the horizons that I have lived to admire.